A milk shake means more to me than your happiness
This Bud Bundy quote is rated: 2.36 from: 22 votesYeah baby! Pretend like my pants are France and invade me
This Bud Bundy quote is rated: 3 from: 21 votesNo way meals on heels!
This Bud Bundy quote is rated: 2.61 from: 28 votesThere's got to be a way out of here, I mean a car, bicycle, horse you're not dating at the moment
This Bud Bundy quote is rated: 2.36 from: 14 votesYou'll come back running to me when you're 25 and gravity has pulled you apart like a stretch Armstrong
This Bud Bundy quote is rated: 2.4 from: 20 votesYou just asked someone with the IQ of mustard to think of something clever
This Bud Bundy quote is rated: 2.24 from: 29 votesIf you don't mind living a life of servitude and degradation, I hear Saudi Arabia needs blonds
This Bud Bundy quote is rated: 2.55 from: 22 votes