
Best Funny Comebacks

Just don't let that extra chromosome get you down.

This comeback is rated: 3.89 from: 18 votes

"Student": Would you punish me for something I didn’t do? "Instructor": Definitely not. "Student": Good, because I haven't done my homework

This comeback is rated: 2.91 from: 23 votes

What are you waiting for?
I was waiting for the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ. Already have thousands of acres of water ready to be turned into wine. But now that I have given up, I'm ready to settle down, and become a burden on some foreign government.

This comeback is rated: 2.85 from: 13 votes

Girl: I wanna see some blood!
Guy: Check your panties

This comeback is rated: 2.25 from: 12 votes

That still makes me twice as clever as you!

This comeback is rated: 3.2 from: 10 votes

Be assured no one is gonna try to marry you or have sex with you. You're not even a drunken 5!

This comeback is rated: 2.69 from: 13 votes

"Guy": So do you wanna date? "Girl": Sorry, I don’t date outside my species.

This comeback is rated: 2.9 from: 10 votes