I would like to fart in a bag and shove it over your head.
This comeback is rated: 3.67 from: 6 votesStop crying like a little girl, give your sister her bra back, and man up a little bit.
This comeback is rated: 3.25 from: 4 votesOf course I'm smarter than you. You're just too stupid to see it.
This comeback is rated: 2.71 from: 17 votesYou're just another living proof that evolution can go backward.
This comeback is rated: 3.95 from: 22 votes
You will never find someone like me!!
That's the point!
He would complain that it is not fair that the stove has fire and he doesn't
This comeback is rated: 3.44 from: 9 votesYou can stand in a river and complain there is not enough water.
This comeback is rated: 3.25 from: 20 votes