Chuck Norris

Chuck Norris Funny Jokes

Actually, Chuck Norris killed two stones with one beard The dude who posted it wrong is now moments away from a painful death

This Chuck Norris Joke is rated: 3 from: 4 votes

Chuck Norris can light ants on fire with a magnifying glass at Night

This Chuck Norris Joke is rated: 1.75 from: 4 votes

You know why Chuck Norris is always on top during sex? Because he never f*cks up

This Chuck Norris Joke is rated: 2.33 from: 3 votes

Chuck Norris can trip a fish

This Chuck Norris Joke is rated: 2.33 from: 6 votes

Chuck Norris puts the laughter in manslaughter

This Chuck Norris Joke is rated: 2.25 from: 4 votes

Chuck Norris completed both the horde and alliance quests in World of Warcraft... With the same Character

This Chuck Norris Joke is rated: 2.2 from: 5 votes

Chuck Norris won American Idol using only sign language

This Chuck Norris Joke is rated: 2.2 from: 5 votes