What does NAACP stand for? National Association of Apes Called People.
This One-liner joke is rated: 2 from: 1 votesThe difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense.
This One-liner joke is rated: 0 from: 0 votesYour family tree must be a cactus because everybody on it is a prick.
This One-liner joke is rated: 0 from: 0 votesWhich sexual position produces the ugliest children? Ask your mother.
This One-liner joke is rated: 3.27 from: 11 votesIf laughter is the best medicine, your face must be curing the world.
This One-liner joke is rated: 0 from: 0 votesGood health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.
This One-liner joke is rated: 0 from: 0 votesLoneliness is when a person always knows where all of his things are.
This One-liner joke is rated: 0 from: 0 votes