All One Liners and Comebacks

One Liners

You don't sweat much for a fat chick.

This One-liner joke is rated: 1.73 from: 11 votes

One Liners

What pants do ghosts wear? BOO jeans.

This One-liner joke is rated: 1.71 from: 14 votes

One Liners

Out of my mind. Back in five minutes.

This One-liner joke is rated: 2.67 from: 15 votes

One Liners

If God is your co-pilot - swap seats.

This One-liner joke is rated: 2.68 from: 19 votes

One Liners

How do 5 gay men walk? One Direction!

This One-liner joke is rated: 2.38 from: 21 votes

One Liners

Is your name Summer? 'Coz you're HOT!

This One-liner joke is rated: 0 from: 0 votes

One Liners

Sacred cows make the best hamburgers.

This One-liner joke is rated: 0 from: 0 votes