One Liners

Latest Funny One Liners

Why do doctors slap babies' butts right after they're born? To knock the penises off the smart ones

This One-liner joke is rated: 1 from: 2 votes

What has four legs, is big, green, fuzzy, and if it falls out of a tree would kill you? A pool table

This One-liner joke is rated: 0 from: 1 votes

Lawyers really aren't so bad, it's just ninety-nine percent of lawyers that make the rest look bad

This One-liner joke is rated: 0 from: 0 votes

Why did the stupid boy put clothes on the valentines he was sending? Because they needed to be ad-dressed!

This One-liner joke is rated: 1 from: 1 votes

You have two choices in life: You can stay single and be miserable, or get married and wish you were dead

This One-liner joke is rated: 3 from: 2 votes

Two snowmen in a field, one turned to the other and said "I don't know about you but I can smell carrots!"

This One-liner joke is rated: 0 from: 0 votes

What's worse than waking up at a party and finding a penis drawn on your face? Finding out it was traced

This One-liner joke is rated: 0 from: 0 votes