If ignorance is bliss, you must be the happiest person on earth.
This One-liner joke is rated: 0 from: 0 votesI don't have an attitude; I have a personality you can't handle.
This One-liner joke is rated: 0 from: 0 votesWhat can strike a blonde without her even knowing it? A thought.
This One-liner joke is rated: 0 from: 0 votesOh, what? Sorry. I was trying to imagine you with a personality.
This One-liner joke is rated: 0 from: 0 votesI'm new in town. Could you give me directions to your apartment?
This One-liner joke is rated: 0 from: 0 votesIf people could read my mind, I'd get punched in the face a lot.
This One-liner joke is rated: 0 from: 0 votesIf I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put "U" and "I" together.
This One-liner joke is rated: 0 from: 0 votes