If you think talk is cheap, try to hire a lawyer.
This One-liner joke is rated: 3.75 from: 4 votesTake my advice, I never did.
This One-liner joke is rated: 3.75 from: 4 votesI don't have a solution, I just love the problem.
This One-liner joke is rated: 2.33 from: 3 votesLiving the dream. Making little girls cry
This One-liner joke is rated: 3.4 from: 5 votesI lost my virginity while playing online games.
This One-liner joke is rated: 2.33 from: 3 votesYou're like the little kid at school, hiding behind everyone, shouting "Get them!"
This One-liner joke is rated: 3 from: 1 votesYou don't have to like me, I'm not a Facebook status!
This One-liner joke is rated: 3.2 from: 10 votes