Unlike marriage, phone sex is a victim-less crime
This Al Bundy quote is rated: 3.11 from: 9 votesIf your father didn't lace that lemonade, with vermouth, I'd be single
This Al Bundy quote is rated: 3.14 from: 14 votesWe've been married for 17 years now, can't we just be friends?
This Al Bundy quote is rated: 3.33 from: 12 votesIf I was the mailman, I would be having your wife!
This Al Bundy quote is rated: 3.23 from: 13 votesI wanna go the way all Bundys go. I wanna hang myself in my own basement by jumping off my workbench
This Al Bundy quote is rated: 3.75 from: 12 votesI'd rather go synchronized swimming with Angela Lansbuy. I'd rather have my neck shaved by Ray Charles, I'd even rather have your picture tattooed on the inside of my eye lids
This Al Bundy quote is rated: 3.91 from: 11 votesWe could always look at the poor people who were less fortunate than us and feel better. Well, let's find a mirror.
This Al Bundy quote is rated: 3.67 from: 9 votes