All One Liners and Comebacks

Al Bundy

Remember, a man is a man all of his life. A woman is only sexy till she becomes your wife

This Al Bundy quote is rated: 3.67 from: 18 votes

One Liners

I welcome death

This One-liner joke is rated: 2.5 from: 2 votes

Al Bundy

Why is it that Elvis is dead and I'm the one in hell

This Al Bundy quote is rated: 3.78 from: 9 votes

Al Bundy

Well Peg we all have to live with our disappointments. I, of course has to sleep with mine

This Al Bundy quote is rated: 3.11 from: 54 votes

Al Bundy

Kids, why didn't you tell me it was your mother's birthday? I wouldn't have come home

This Al Bundy quote is rated: 3 from: 47 votes