Today is the first day of the end of your life
This Al Bundy quote is rated: 3 from: 6 votesPlease, Peg, if you have any feelings for me, don't make me make love to you
This Al Bundy quote is rated: 2.75 from: 4 votesGreeting Vultures!
This Al Bundy quote is rated: 1.57 from: 7 votes"Peg": I was very young when I got married. "Al": And I was very drunk
This Al Bundy quote is rated: 2.08 from: 172 votesIt tells me you're a girl, which means your opinion means less to me than dog's
This Al Bundy quote is rated: 3 from: 2 votesOh no Peg, it won't kill me, that's your job
This Al Bundy quote is rated: 4.67 from: 3 votesFriends, don't have them, don't need them, sure as hell don't wanna watch them
This Al Bundy quote is rated: 4.2 from: 10 votes