Al Bundy

Al Bundy One Liners & Quotes

If God wanted women to play ball, he'd have made them men

This Al Bundy quote is rated: 3.13 from: 8 votes

Don't put on a dress and ask us if it makes you look fat. We hate that. Besides, it's not the dress that makes you look fat, it's the fat that makes you look fat

This Al Bundy quote is rated: 3.6 from: 15 votes

That 8 track is to today's stereos what a girlfriend is to a wife. An earlier better version

This Al Bundy quote is rated: 2.6 from: 5 votes

Behind every successful man is a woman who didn't marry me

This Al Bundy quote is rated: 3.78 from: 9 votes

We're closed and, much like my life, the day is over

This Al Bundy quote is rated: 3 from: 7 votes

This cheese means more to me than both your lives

This Al Bundy quote is rated: 1.5 from: 8 votes

I wish the world were a fly and I was a giant rolled up newspaper

This Al Bundy quote is rated: 3 from: 7 votes