All One Liners and Comebacks

Chuck Norris

Chuck Norris can kick start a bicycle

This Chuck Norris Joke is rated: 2.75 from: 4 votes

Chuck Norris

Pain has a Chuck Norris threshold

This Chuck Norris Joke is rated: 2 from: 3 votes

Chuck Norris

Chuck Norris was once hit by a monster truck then he hit it back and destroyed it! The lesson here is don't hit Chuck because he hits back!

This Chuck Norris Joke is rated: 1.67 from: 3 votes


You are so fake that even China denied they made you

This comeback is rated: 3.3 from: 20 votes

Chuck Norris

Chuck Norris doesn't go Live. Live goes Chuck Norris

This Chuck Norris Joke is rated: 3.38 from: 8 votes

One Liners

Why do they call it Alcoholics anonymous when the first thing you do is stand up and say, 'Hi, My name is John and I am an alcoholic'

This One-liner joke is rated: 0 from: 0 votes

One Liners

What's the difference between a slut and a bitch? A slut will have sex with anyone, a bitch will have sex with anyone but you

This One-liner joke is rated: 3 from: 24 votes